Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Yesterday was Halloween(*^ワ^*) I joined Halloween party at Thrive with Minor sensei and his friends!!
I went there with Yuka-san whose third-year student of KGU. We dressed up as a rubbits(○'ω'○) I think we were cute(笑) Minor sensei dressed up as a famous singer in America. He was wearing wig and making up!! He was very nice!! Kyoko-san dressed up as a witch!! It was so suit for her★☆ There were many people, and almost people dressed up(●´艸`) For example, Winnie the Pooh, Stitch, Horse, Maid-san and so on(≧∇≦)ノ They looked enjoying their costume. We played many Halloween's game, and of course I played darts!!!! I have joined Halloween party in America, but it was first time Halloween party in Japan. I was really enjoyed it♥♥ I'd like to join any party again(ó㉨ò)ノ♡

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