Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Today, I got the temporary driver's license(●>∀<) I was really happy!!!!! But on the one hand I was surprised... I have confidence to some extent. But I couldn't believe first!! I have to drive highway tomorrow. It is little scary...(´∀`;)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

♥♥ daisuki ♥♥

I met my best friend today★ She is my local friend, we are good friend since 12 years old(*^∀^)人(^ε^*) She is working, so we haven't time to meet(;´⊇`) And so, I saw her after an interval of four months. We always go to the Joyfull and stayed for a long time. However, we went shopping today by hers car(>ωб) We talked many with shopping(●^θ^●) I was very glad!! Because she was attended to what I'm saying(ρд<。)
After the shopping, we went to the restaurant to eat dinner. It was good.
I thought after all she is my best friend♥♥ I'm looking forward to seeing her next(◯^艸^)

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I played bowling with my boy friend and his friends today. You know I'm poor at the bowling. But today was strange!!(δεδ;) Because my score was high!!!! Everyone surprised, but I was surprised myself(笑) I was top score until on the way(>∀<;) Wow... I was really happy★☆