Saturday, November 17, 2007


I joined darts tournament at Thrive★☆ I went to there with Yudai-san, and we practiced before it start. I was a member of KGU team today. The member was Minor sensei, Kyoko-san, Indo-san and me. Today's my condition was so good(^ヮ^●) I could hit bull many times!! I'm a poor at criket, but I could hit where I pointed today. I was very happy♥♥ And I talked many with Indo-san. He is 27 years old, and really good player. Our team was third prise. I wanted to get first prise, so I want to practice more till next tournament!!
After the tournament, I played darts with Yudai-san, Nagai-san, and Dai-chan. They were very kind and good at play darts. We were competed for the Kori-cafe. If we get first win, third and fourth have to treat first person. It is really nice drink, but I have never drink it. We played get in. It was the first time to play for me, but I won it!!!! What a miracle!!!!!!!!!! Everyone were surprised, but I was most surprised(笑) So I could Kori-cafe(>U<*) Thank you Yudai-san and Nagai-san!!

che tani

I went Cheztani with my darts friend. It settled on Kengun. There is sweets shop, and they also servicing lunch at 11:00 ~ 15:00. It looks very cute, it has pink ribbon on the roof★☆ There were many people. I ordered pasta, and he ordered an omelet containing fried rice. These were so nice. We ate it with talking long time. I want to go there again(^ヮ^●)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Yui's Room: Japanese cake

Yui's Room: Japanese cake
It looks very cute!! I like Hallo Kitty, so I want to get this Kitty. Please give me it when you get this next.