Saturday, August 4, 2007

GET (*^з')b

Today, I got the digital camera case★☆ I have a digital camera, but I haven't this case(>Д<) It is really important for me. Because my boy friend gave it!!

I wanted to buy it, the color is pink!! Finally, I found(●>∀<) But the truth of the matter is that this is tobacco case( ̄∀ ̄○) The size is just it. So no problem!! I'll take it with this case every day!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

First Day...

Today, I entered the driving school. Because I haven't driver's license... Hopes and fears filled my heart recently(>x<.) Because I am naturally all thumbs... But I hope to get a license!!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

●●● Really Fun ●●●

Yesterday, my examinations have finished!!!! I'm really happy(^Q^*)
So I went to the Karaoke with my best friends right now↑↑ I was looking forward to going there for a long time. We love Karaoke so much!! We were stay up all night, and went on singing★☆ I had a very good time(>U<)